Hold On to Youth and Vitality

Natalie Greer
3 min readJan 29, 2022

4 Things to Keep In Mind to Slow the Aging Process

Nutrition — Ok, no one wants to hear the old adage “you are what you eat” — but you literally ARE. The foods we choose break down and become the building blocks of our physical bodies. As our cells slow down and begin to divide at a slower rate, it becomes more important that we provide our bodies the appropriate building blocks. Classify foods as heavy or light — heavy foods deplete your energy, light foods give you energy. There is a time and place for each. If I am on the couch, in front of the fireplace, under a chunky blanket, that is when I want to feel heavy. Most other times, I choose light.

Movement — Moving your body doesn’t have to be some grand event. Make sure you move your body a little each day. Find small ways to incorporate extra movement into your daily life. Take five minutes to stretch. Maintaining flexibly will slow the process of feeling “old”. Add extra steps to your daily step count. Park in the furthest parking spot, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every little bit of movement counts, and it shows your bones and muscles that you care about them. Care for your physical body now and it will continue to care for you later. My go-to and what I recommend is starting a yoga practice. Yoga is a bundle gift that provides flexibility, strength, mindfulness and breath. All of which keep you more youthful: mind, body and soul.

Rest — Our bodies need time to replenish. We are a natural species. We are a part of nature and nature moves in cycles. If we ignore the natural sleep cycle, we are ignoring a huge foundation of health. Ignoring the foundations of health lead to premature aging. When I stopped drinking alcohol, I had a very difficult time teaching myself to sleep. Now, I am asleep within three minutes of getting in the bed. I started a bed time routine and it took a while to find what works for me. First, I maintain that my bedroom is not for scrolling and television, its soul purpose is for sleep. To train my body to fall asleep I used guided Yoga Nidra and body scan techniques. I don’t think I ever made it past my hips listening to a soothing body scan. The Insight Timer is an app that has everything you need, for free.

Grow — Find ways to grow, intellectually, creatively, spiritually and, grow into present moment awareness. We are evolutionary creatures. We must encounter challenge and stimulation. Growing in various was is imperative to keeping a youthful mind and disposition. Neuroplasticity is a thing, we are capable of building new neural pathways, which are vital for a youthful mind. Find books to read, start a creative project, listen to informative podcasts, learn a new skill. Back in 2020, when the pandemic hit, I did seven months of 30-day challenges. These small challenges had HUGE impacts on my personal growth and perspective. I did everything from movement, to nutritional, to art challenges and while they didn’t all stick, I kept my mind active and focused. I was not only able to engage my mind, but I also came a way with some great habits.

Originally published at https://perch-flounder-5h2y.squarespace.com on January 29, 2022.



Natalie Greer

Well-being curator + mom + yogi + registered nurse + board-certified nurse health coach — perpetually attempting to capture humanity with language.